Tuesday, May 30, 2006

bowl of heaven

100 paper stars
Originally uploaded by
Vaguely Artistic.

This reminds me of people I went to elementary and high school with who used to be able to make these things out of the ends of the paper from dot matrix printers. Remember dot matrix printers? But the coloured stars make for a much prettier picture.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

Driving to the chiropractor today, on the way home from work, I got a little sick of the guy subbing for Matt Galloway on CBC and flipped to another station that was playing "Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis. God I loved that CD, What's the Story Morning Glory? when I was in university. Those were some songs good songs to sing at the top of your lungs as you pace back and forth on the worn down hardwood waiting for inspiration to strike. Wonder where I put that CD. Wonder if I still have it.

So once upon a time I saw this thing on the National Newsmagazine where Stuart McLean set up shop in some small town fair and offered a nickel for people to tell him a story. Ever since then I feel like that's what I would do with my life if nothing else mattered. In real life you can do a something like it, but there's always the pressure to produce something afterward. Still it has it's pleasures. Lucky for me, I was working on Wednesday morning and had a moment where I thought I was actually doing this very little dream of mine. The boundaries of my job made me hold back a bit--I mean there's only so much info I need to know for this job. But then again, part of what I do is to make connections so I guess it's legit. I just got to spend about 45 minutes asking this guy to tell me whatever life stories he felt like sharing. People like to talk about themselves. Wish we each had more time to listen.

Which reminds me of Radical Careering, a book a picked up while out with Nancy this past weekend. It has a new term-- "The Age of Intensity", defined as:

"The dawning era in which experiences become our most precious commodity. As life compresses around us, our experiences become increasingly finite, and we search for ways to make the most of every moment."

Cheap as it may sound, the most of this moment is contained in the season finale of CSI. All for now.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Counting myself in

No, today is not census day, but it is the day that I completed the census. A bit early. I may be jinxing it. Saying I may be jinxing it may be jinxing it.

Last Thursday we had the employee annual general meeting at work at the keynote speaker was Pinball Clemons. Here is the sum total of what I knew about him before walking into the room:

He has something to do with the Argonauts.
He's short.

I still don't know much more than that, and yet I do know what differentiates him from other rah-rah motivational speakers I've heard before: he actually may be real. I mean he just can't be that good of an actor. And I don't know that he cares enough about what other people think to bother trying to act. "We leave hope to the other team," he says. "We decide to win." Yes, it's a powerful thing to believe in yourself enough to realize that you simply need to decide to make your life count in order for it to happen.

To bad it's such a terrifying decision. And yet it seems all so simple I wonder why it's so scary.

This year I've already discovered that I'm an extrovert after years of believing I was an introvert.

What's next?