Thursday, June 01, 2006

June is Stroke Month

Nurses target stroke and hypertension

"Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in Canada, with more than 15,000 deaths every year attributable to this cause. It is also one of the most costly medical conditions, costing the Canadian economy $2.7 billion annually (Health Canada, 1997). (...) Risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, and the lack of regular physical activity."

Heart and Stroke Foundation: Finding Answers for Life

"Over time high blood pressure can damage blood vessel walls causing scarring that promotes the build-up of fatty plaque, which can narrow and eventually block arteries. It also strains the heart and eventually weakens it. Very high blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the brain to burst – resulting in a stroke."

Do you know the five warning signs of a stroke?

Rob's Story: A Wild Ride

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