Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wish you were here

So I was listening to a friend talk about her son's first year at university and thinking about mine. I wasn't partying and stuff, because I'm the boring chick, but I did feel free. Now that I know what it's like to get paid biweekly, I'm not sure I could ever find that "free" again.

But anyway, at least now I'm doing stuff in the 8:30 to 4:30 prime time slot that isn't so incredibly suck-the-life-out-of-a-person dead boring. I feel like there's an academic aspect to what I do now. Which may not be the case in the traditional sense, but I'm learning and it's a challenge and I guess I equate that with school.

I still remember what I wore to university on my first day. I remember sitting on a concrete ledge outside university centre. I remember thinking that I wouldn't like English as a subject. I remember it was hot and I was wearing a hoody and I felt free. There was a string quartet in front of Fletcher Argue. I don't think the Robin's Donuts was there yet...

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