Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dems in, Rummy and K-Fed out

To quote supermodel Heidi Klum, "in the world of [politics] one day you're in, and the next day you're out".

Blasphemous though it may be, I kinda wanted the Republicans to squeak through with a bare win in yesterday's mid-term elections. Now the Democrats are going to fuck it all up by trying to impeach the president or something and end up losing in 2008. I guess that statement can really be summed up with "a pox on both your houses" because they both suck lately. I mean, yeah, go and try to extricate yourselves from Iraq after messing things up there. I'm sure the Iraqis care whether it was the Democrats or the Republicans who came marching in on the white horse to save the day, only to screw it up like they have something to compensate for, if ya know what I mean. Maybe it's not a just war, maybe it's just none of your business, but when you claimed to be able to fix it and only made it worse, you have to do something more morally inspiring than the classic cut and run.

I have this vague recollection of reading about how Rumsfeld didn't like being filmed during press conferences in front of a statue of a naked woman. I tried to find it again but the search came up with too many hits on inhumane treatment by American soldiers. Just before dinner I saw Nancy Pelosi on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and he congratulated her on being the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives. Then she started talking about how she was about to be a grandmother.

So, no art, and remember not to feel proud of your accomplishments.

God knows we have so much to be embarrassed about.

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