Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lake Woe-is-me, suprisingly found in Canada

Took a ride up to Musselman's Lake with Nancy last night to check out a house I saw a listing for that's in the realm of something I might be able to afford. At least in the financial sense. I'm not sure if my sanity could take it since it looks to be a really great place in the summer and a hellhole in the winter. And it's a bit too outdoorsy for me. And it looks like it requires some of that "home improvement" crap that not only do I know very little about, but quite frankly care little to know about at all. I like the whimsical feeling there but I just don't think it's for me 24/7. It would make a nice 2nd property. HAHA. And maybe one day I'll be able to afford such a thing.

The whole house buying thing has been on my mind lately because I think that era of my life is fast approaching and I like to be prepared for these things...financially yes, but also emotionally, which really has a lot to do with finances anyway because money can be such an emotional thing. I don't know that I could ever have enough money to truly feel secure, so I'm left to manage my sense of security with something less that perfection, which is completely unattainable in all things anyway.

Buying a house is really about buying into a lifestyle. I can see myself in the Musselman's lake lifestyle, but only in the summer. I can see myself having a wicked lifestyle in the summer, but I hate winter, which may be the heart of the matter. And it's not about not being able to ski. Winter is pretty in Robert Frost's poems but when you have to live in it, it's stifling and oppressive. And this coming from a Canadian. Because what is Canada anyway, but the ultimate paradox.

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