Monday, April 24, 2006

Maybe the world is round after all...

I was just listing to CBC Radio News and heard that the Vatican may now be considering a reversal of the ban on condoms, but only in the case of preventing AIDS/HIV transmission. Here's the online article.

So it sounds like they're moving forward, but really, only very incrementally. And normally I don't totally mind incrementalism, but this is minutiae at the speed of molasses.

Still, it's kind of odd considering what we all thought John Ratzinger would be as Pope.

I know just because everyone does something doesn't make that something right, so the argument that most Canadian Catholics completely ignore Vatican directives in this area doesn't wash. And yet, the Church does not exist in a vacuum. In fact, I think the Church is the people, right? What about overpopulation and the continual depletion of non-renewable resources? What about starvation? What about the dis-value placed on human life when every child is not a wanted child?

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