Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Easy Mail

Putting a postage stamp on something nowadays seems so ridiculous. When I want to contact someone, my first inclination is to email them. Email has a lovely c.y.a. side effect that makes me feel all warm inside. This is especially helpful in certain professional situations.

Being a child of the information age, I often wonder how information was disseminated in the pre-email days. Did people really send out a memo for every stupid little change in procedure? (And good God, how did they work with all that carbon copy junk without Purel?) Paper memos seem so much more formal than email. Some people who complain about the descent of language point out that formality is a good thing. Perhaps this is true, but weighed in the balance with having more information at your fingertips, I’m for the email. Besides, descent...evolution...who can tell anymore?

Yes, the days of writing something that sounds different from what you would say in a normal situation are passing quickly. Carrie Bradshaw always seemed to write like she would normally speak.

Then again, she also used the inappropriate use of “their” as vindication of her worthiness as a single and chic New Yorker.

And Grandpa is a philatelic cyberphobe.


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