Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am tired of playing defense...don't even have hockey skates

So I've heard a lot about Kathleen Edwards lately and I'm really loving her music. There's something so real about her voice and the lyrics are excellent. Very though provoking. She did "Hockey Skates" a few years back (remember "Men with Brooms" the movie?), which is where the title for this post came from. You'll notice that she's overtaken Robert Frost at the top under the blog title too. Here are the some of the lyrics to "Back to Me". Even without the music, it's great, but you should really listen to the music too.

I've got ways to make you hear me just by whispering your name
I've got ways to make you think you'll never be happy again
I've got ways to make you see I'm so much better than before
I've got ways to make you swear you won't want your old life anymore

I've got lights you've never seen
I've got moves I've never used
I've got ways to make you come
back to me

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