Sunday, June 26, 2005

Wacko Jacko meet Major Tom

When they're writing articles about you entitled "Ground Control to Major Tom" it may be time for a reality check. On her blog, Rosie's comments were "I think I may need to up my meds". And you know, just as I went to find the link for that post, I got a pop-up about anti-depressants. Funny. Not really.

I watched him on Oprah, what was that, a few weeks ago, and my initial thought was, 'gee, I wonder if I'll ever feel that way about someone and I wonder if anyone will feel that way about me'. But then he just kept going on and on about it and I thought he might be on drugs. Which is ironic after hearing all about how awful he was to Matt Lauer on the Today Show, and in turn, how perfectly awful and disrespectful he is to Brooke Shields. Buddy, she's the normal one. You are fast approaching the Jacko level of celebrity-being. No one lives like that 24-7 and if you can't control yourself for an hour of television, maybe you need some help, and I mean that in the nicest way. It doesn't seem like the vitamins are working. You're trying too hard.

I really hate it when people talk about anti-depressants as if they are a sign of weakness. They could be, but since you can never walk in another persons shoes, you just don't know. Let's not make the wide spectrum of mental illness more difficult to endure. Because if some woman suffering from post-partum depression heard "Doctor" Cruise's rantings and decided to go the vitamin route without at least talking to an actual expert in the field, then he should feel responsible for whatever could happen next. But he's probably too 'high on life' (or whatever bad batch of whatever he's on) to care.

Like I said, Wacko Jacko, meet Major Tom.

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