Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Division Street, heading south

When I was in OAC Politics (my god, in 1992? 93?), we learned about the concept of a 'philosophical-operational dichotomy'. That's when you believe in freedom of speech but are against burning the flag. When you believe in the welfare state but want lower taxes. When you believe in the Catholic Church, but pop The Pill anyway. It's sort of about being able to believe in opposing ideas or concepts simultaneously.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about that 'Disney difference' lately. I've been wishing that I didn't have to live in the philosophical-operational dichotomy. I've been wishing that the philosophical would become operational.

Of course, I also believe in the sanctity and comfort of order. Operationally, as my living quarters and office drawers would suggest, I waver. I should sign a waiver.

And yet, I have to try.

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