Sunday, October 30, 2005

Race Against...Apathy and Frustration? And a Horse Race?

So I spent Friday night at the Massey Lectures at Convocation Hall--fuzzy pictures on my Flickr Photo page. Not to say that AIDS in Africa is the less important message, but I really feel like I needed to have my week horribilis capped off by spending time in the presence of a man who so passionately believes in his work, that's work in the sense of vocation or calling rather than the thing you do to put gas in the car. He clearly relishes being a vehicle for the underdogs, which is all the more remarkable given the abject disinterest there is in the world for the needs of the African continent. I was impressed by how deftly and respectfully he responded to questions as well, even from one woman who was clearly off her rocker a bit.

And then there was the undeniable and evident mutual respect between Michelle Landsberg, his wife, and himself. He credited her with much of his ideas and in turn she sat in the front row, rapt with attention for a text she had in all likelihood read several times.

So, AIDS and HIV are ravaging Africa and very little is being done about it. Very little beyond the promotional events that likely resulted in more downloads than donations. I guess the question is, is it enough to worry about it when Bono tells you to, or do you have a moral responsibility to know more? And is that moral responsibility worth the pain? I mean I just feel so overwhelmed about all that I should be responsible for lately, everything from Mojo's dental health to the education of women in the third world. Clearly they are not all equally important in the global sense. But they all matter to me. And I have a race against my time running out and my energy dipping low at the end of every day, every week. I don't know how he does it.

It's not enough, all around. But I did go and listen. And I will read the book. And from now on when I read about AIDS I'll have more information filed away for background with which to make informed decisions about my opinion. And according to Mr. Lewis, there will be a federal election in, ya never know what will happen. Candidates on the hustings beware, you never know what I might hold you to account for.

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