Monday, October 03, 2005

It may be Monday, but...

Finally, there's a deal between the CBC and CMG (okay, tentative, in principle, whatever, I'll take it!). Thanks Tod for reporting it! I'm going to miss all the 'unplugged' and 'unlocked' media, but I look forward to real news on the CBC website again. And Andy Barrie! Woo hoo! The conspiracy theorists among us would point out that this probably has something to do with the imminent return of hockey and the 'political' problems associated with no Hockey Night in Canada, especially after a cancelled season as a result of labour distruption. These conspiracy theorists would be right. And I suspect Amber and Rabinovitch would admit it.
So now I wait. Until. Andy's. Back.
On an entirely unrelated note, Bush has nominated White House Counsel to the Supreme Court? Yes, it must be Monday, Dubya is screwing things up again. On the upside, I guess that's better than in Toronto, because if he worked there, he'd be nominating his tweaked out nephew or something.

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