Saturday, October 15, 2005

f train

mmmmmm.....Shasha cookies.

So Jordis sang this song on Rockstar:INXS awhile ago and I never really caught the title at the time but I liked it and it sounded familiar in some weird way...

Then I'm napping this afternoon and it comes to me. It's the theme of CSI: NY. Apparently it was also featured in an episode of House. More on that in a link below.

It's Baba O'Riley. By the Who. And what throws me off completely, is that "Baba O'Riley" is some kind of inside joke because those words (arguably a name) do not appear in the lyrics at all. In fact one might find themselves calling it "Teenage Wasteland".

So now I find myself thinking about other songs that have a title with little apparent connection to the words of the song. And lo and behold, my beloved Wikipedia is helping me out again. Check it out, they have an entry called "List of songs with titles that do not appear in the lyrics". What did I do before the internet again? I can't remember.

Remember "59th Street Bridge Song"? Feelin' Groovy? I think I was near it when I was in NY in September. I remember telling Liz about it. But in true wiki style, the list differentiates between those titles that, while not lyrics of the song, nevertheless describe the song. They deem the Bridge to be one of these. I can see that.

But then there are those that are truly perplexing, especially without internet access. Such as Baba O'Riley. Such as "Rainy Day Women #12 and #35". But I don't understand why "Celebrity Skin" is on the list, because in my mind it clearly fits in better with Feelin' Groovy.

I remember the Prof I had in the semester of 1st year English. He said that sometimes it's better to start with a title so you don't get off track from where you're going. You can look a the top of the page and remember to keep to the point. Sometimes the title reveals what the author was going for. Sometimes the title reveals you to be confused. You're not alone.

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