Thursday, June 02, 2005

Berry Persistent

This is the name of the new colour on my toenails this morning. I’ve decided to throw out all of the nail colour I have, save for the three I bought yesterday. Some of it’s pretty yucky by now anyway. And there's way too much for any 10 toed humanoid to use in one sandal summer.

I have several typical addictive purchases and nail polish is one of them. By addictive purchases, I mean something, usually less than $20, that I buy frequently to give myself a little shopping high while at the same time am able to rationalize its frivolity because of the relatively small amount I’ve spent. But the rationalization falls completely apart when I come home and place the purchase in the drawer full of nail polishes. And then I add insult to injury by never using them, or using them so infrequently that they become no longer useable at all.

I actually don’t have as much a problem with nail polish as I used to, which is why I’m getting myself down to three bottles. I had a phase that started in high school and lasted well beyond university where CDs were my addiction purchase. And now I have well over a hundred and listen to them only in the car. That’s it. And since I don’t drive to Brampton anymore and I like CBC Radio, I really do have a limited CD listening time frame.

In the case of CDs, I would buy one because of one song and then end up hating (or at least feeling indifferent about) the rest. There were and are only a very few that I liked all the way through. And even when I did, there's only so much time I spend in the car. Nail polish, and here is the silliest thing, I bought based on the name of colour. I didn’t buy any of those brands that identified the colour only by a number. I once bought a puke-green shade at the drug store simply because it was called “Cash”.

So, I’m over the nail polish, the CDs are an addiction I can control with real life rationalization, but now I’m into books. And I haven’t been to the library in at least a year. Which is unfortunate, because there are definitely more books there than at Chapters/Indigo/Coles/World’s Biggest Bookstore, a.k.a. ‘Heather’s Candle Emporium’. Yet, I continue to go back. Because I’m berry persistent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh Lise, you could have MUCH worse addictions, nail polish/CD's and Books not so bad :+)) Mrs. W.