Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Just smile

In my humble opinion, January is not the most stellar of months. So why anyone would name a child after it is beyond comprehension to me. On the other hand, it is sort of a pretty word, independent of the snow and cold and hibernation.

When my mom was at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute she roomed with one woman who had a daughter named January. Once, in this woman's presence, my mom told me that she had met her daughter (probably about the same age as my mom), and that her name was Jan, short for January. I turned to this woman and remarked about how nice a name it was and the most peaceful smile came over her face and her eyes immediately brightened. I don't remember her name. I don't remember her specific challenge--though it was in the neuro-rehab section, so that would give you some idea. But I do remember that smile.

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