Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nature v. Nurture

I'm waiting for my clothes to dry so I can get into my pj's and snuggle in to watch some Anderson Cooper and in surfing random blogs I'm coming across a lot of people who say they are from Winnipeg. I suppose this could have something to do with 'cookies' (I wouldn't put it past "them"), but I prefer to believe that a lot of good and smart people come from Winnipeg.

We have only three living plants in this house left. Actually, two arrived for Christmas and I am desperately trying to hang on to them. I started out by typing "living things" and then I realized how complicated it could get writing that while having to account for the people who live here, the people who sometimes live here, my baby Moj, and well, lets be frank, the odd bug or vermin that I have yet to come across (thankfully?) and that squirrel who stayed for a bit back in January.

But the plants, yes. And this very thing may be my problem. You have to be some hardy foliage to survive here. I mean I killed the rubber tree plant after Mom wasn't taking care of it anymore. And now the two whatchimacallit Christmas plants, oh yeah, pointsettias, are mostly just sticks and dead leaves. Of course who's bright idea was it to make a plant that clearly is more suited to a warm desert like environment a Christmas tradition. Well, I guess it makes sense if your plan is to keep it indoors over Christmas. And desert like conditions is what I treat them to when I forget all about them for days on end.

I'm trying okay! And besides, Lisa says I won't be good at this plant stuff until I'm older. You have to grow into these things.

And I'd also like to point out that the dog is FINE and well watered and fed.

If only those fucking pointsettias could be a bit more self-sufficient and bark when then need something.

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