Sunday, February 19, 2006

vivir para siempre

Went to see the Bodyworlds exhibit at the Science Centre with Liz on Friday. I'd wanted to go see it since it came last fall, but in true Lise fashion I put it off, and put it off...

But the good news is that it was well worth it. The more I think about having seen it, the better I feel about having gone. Bodyworlds is an exhibit of actual human bodies (or parts thereof) preserved through a process called plastination that allows them to be molded into specific shapes and viewed.

It's not gross at all, just fascinating. I guess I could see how some people might find it gross, but it's really not for those of us CSI-loving TLC kinda freaks.

So Alex asked me if I'd want my body donated to this program. Sorry, but the answer is no. I think if there's something in me that's useful to someone else, like my kidneys, or heart, or whatever, then donating my body to this guy is just as bad as burying me whole. I guess if it's not useful, or at least the leftover bits, yeah sure, this guy can have them.

Still, I think there is a lot of value in exposing people to the inner science of their bodies. I for one don't think too much about it...far less than I probably should really. By contrast, it also makes you think about how the body really isn't the thing that makes you you. In the end, it really is just a pile of extraneous stuff, isn't it?

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