Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So many possible punchlines...but I have some class so I won't use any

So I'm reading CNN on the web this morning and I see that Anna Nicole Smith's quest for her dead octogenarian husband's fortune continues, this time before the Supreme Court in the US.

That's America for you.

And it appears that it's not even her real legal name, which is Vickie Lynn Marshall. Why is Anna Nicole that much better? They both sound like, oops, I'll keep that to myself since if memory serves, I know someone who has a relative with that name. *nevermind*

But the kicker is this priceless line, courtesy, once again, of CNN:

"The Bush administration is siding with Smith as a technical matter, arguing that the justices should protect federal court jurisdiction in such disputes."

Did you read that? George Bush is siding with Anna Nicole Smith.

That's America for you.

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