Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sneezy and Grumpy

I don't think it's allergies, I think I have a cold. Hence the sneezy comment. I'm leaky today.

As for Grumpy, well that relates to my beloved CBC. Reading in Maclean's this week I see Mark Starowicz musing that the labour distruption (aka lockout) may go on until October or later. WHAT? Not that these fill in people who have taken over my morning radio aren't nice people, but they are most certainly not Andy Barrie or even a reasonably hand-drawn facsimile and while I like Coldplay I have the CD. I want news. I want local news. It was amusing to know the weather in Nunavut for the first couple of days, but it's only annoying now. And much as 680 has news, they have cheap news, not CBC news. You know, the kind where you spend a disproportionate amount of time debating the believability of Karla Homolka's ex-boss, who is clearly just another ex-con looking for a buck. What about the gun violence in Toronto? What about the effects of last week's storm? I feel so disconnected.

And I really don't care who's fault it is. Okay, so the fact that the employees were locked out does seem to lead to one conclusion, but I really don't think I have all the facts on this contracting out business so I'm not sure on which side I should stand.

I just want Andy Barrie back on my radio.

Yes, the pixie dust has worn off....

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