Wednesday, August 03, 2005

GG, CBC, Davinci and my future spot in the Senate

So, does the feds new funding strategy for CBC involve choosing the Mother Corp's TV personalities as G-G? As Adrienne Clarkson leaves, it would appear that Michaelle Jean is the new host of the wine and crackers set. I don't mind, I like the Passionate Eye. But once again, I have been passed over. Okay so I'm not a francophone, but I have a name that could convince the disinterested that I am and I've heard that gossip about this appointment is a non-starter in Quebec anyway. Did Paul Martin not read my application?

Okay, so I'm not fluent in five languages. But I have good intentions. And by the time all these newly appointed senators are ready to retire, I'll be ready to step up to the plate. I mean, I like Davinci's Inquest, and apparently that can qualify a person.

And maybe after that I can be G-G.

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