Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Overexposure: Bad for Britney, Good for your Health?

So I like things to be clean. When I say clean, I'm referring more to the microbial sense of clean since you all know I'm a slobbish clutter fiend. But recent scientific reports seem to point to the need to keep some of that microbial dirt around, ironically for your own protection.

Today's headline reads "Younger Brothers, Sisters May Help Protect Against MS", the theory being that you catch a lot of bugs from your annoying little sibling and in doing so, are less likely to develop MS. There's also been a lot of press about how an underexposure to dust and pollen and other such nasty things in childhood can set you up for asthma (check out this one). A quick search of the net reveals this all to be part of the 'hygiene hypothesis' a theory which proposes that a lack of exposure to all this crap in childhood weakens your immune system.

So apparently, you're supposed to get sick. Which, I suppose, should make me feel better, wrapping up my fourth week of a cold, or something. *hack up a lung* I have a hearty immune system? Maybe, but it's misguided at the very least because it's taking it's sweet little time right now and is a bit confused about the purpose of my thyroid gland.

So as I rub Purel into my hands for the second time this morning, I wonder, is it better for me to clean out my closet this weekend and suffer the damage to my sinuses and lungs caused by the dust or should I just leave it alone and be continually frustrated by my lack of storage space?

Because clearly, I wasn't supposed to be keeping on top of it all this time. *cough* *hack*

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