Thursday, September 08, 2005

I hate change! But I sure changed the channel fast...

In addition to CIUT's 'new' morning show, locked-out CBC employees have now taken to the interweb at Kudos to them. Interestingly enough, their site is way better than the CBC's own site, now presumably run by management. Hmm, I guess it is the people that make it happen then, eh? Not only is the CBC site not as in depth as it was before the employees were locked out, it's also not as aesthetically pleasing and now, for some inane reason, features a banner ad. Why on earth would someone choose now to implement this? While the CBC has been considered a bastion for the liberal-minded, those same people, are very set in their ways--as if to further confound the demographers, some would call this conservative? I can hear us all chanting now "back to the way it was!", "this is totally throwing off my morning routine!". Why can I hear this? Because I'm saying it, too.

So now I listen to Andy on CIUT in the morning and have changed my homepage to CBC unlocked. Now look at what you've done, dammit! Listen, it's bad enough that I have to give up Peter Mansbridge during the hockey playoffs (except for last year). Don't do this to me!

Another interesting fact: I see from CBC unlocked that our very own Toronto Star began as a publication by locked out employees of something they refer to as "The Afternoon News". Never heard of them.

So if I was the one who's bright idea it was to lock out Canadian Media Guild employees, right now, I'd be worried. Shake in those boots, baby. It may be the only thing keeping you warm this winter.

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