Monday, September 05, 2005


It is a question.

It's Labour Day. The end of summer. It has been 7 autumns since this has meant anything to me, 7 and a half years since I graduated from university. And, by the way, I didn't even mind going to school, in fact I rather liked it. Wish I was going back this month actually.

But there's something about the summer, especially in the beginning, even in May when the sun starts to warm up and the rain has slowed down, that makes you feel like everything is possible. Even if you have no vacation to speak of, summer reminds you that there is life after work. I don't have a pool, or even own a bathing suit, but in a few weeks it will be a little too chilly to walk down Unionville Main with Nancy on Saturday nights. When the paper is too late for Dad to bring in before he leaves, it will soon be too cold for me to dash outside and grab it to read with breakfast. Soon it will be dark when I have to leave for work and night will come way too early.

And then it will be Christmas. And while I do enjoy finding those perfect things for my family and friends to put under the tree, I have to admit, I really don't like Christmas. But that's an explanation (if you need it) for another day.

So it's Labour Day and Andy Barrie is back on the air, except on CIUT and only from 6 to 8 a.m. because of the continuing lockout at the CBC.

The good news is that we leave for New York a week from today. I wonder how different it will be than last year, when the anti-W sentiment was ripe and on display in that 'blue state'. But then again, maybe not much since there still seems to be a lot to complain about.

I guess it's sad not because it's the end of summer, but rather because it's no longer the new beginning it once classes, new books, new pens. Ah well, the feeling never lasted long anyway.

It just seems harder to make things feel 'new' and full of possibilities now, without the new classes. September is a question.

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