Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When even one night in jail is too many

So, now that I have my sympatico password committed to memory again, or at least the one that seems to be working, I thought I'd be back in business, but I can't seem to get onto blogger on this computer. Argh. Therefore, another post with an earlier date that will have to appear when I get back...or at least not now.

We were in Harlem this morning doing some shopping and again, it was rather disappointing. Avenue, Ashley Stewart, Lane Bryant, Old Navy....and a CVS Pharmacy. Both the CVS
Pharmacy and Avenue were robbed while we were in line to pay for our purchases. I'm not sure if the cops are in Harlem most days, but today, with Dubya in town, it would seem like they are in mid-town Manhattan. How weird it must be for this to be such a regular occurence--streets to be shut down, diplomats parking illegally.

Oh wait, the guy on the other computer just left, I'm switching and hopefully will get this and the older post up...

Okay, I'm back. Just got up the post from the 12th and am back to this one.

If you're wondering about the title, it comes from an actual sign inside a subway car that I was in today. It was an ad for a law firm. Remember, this is the US after all.

To recap, this morning we ate on the run at Starbucks walking down to Grand Central to catch a train uptown to the shopping. We hit (and by hit I mean "shopped at" in case it's not clear that I am a law-abiding citizen, er, visitor) the usual places, then took the subway to a Bath and Body Works where I made a few more purchases. We had smoothies at some place around 22nd and 5th, which is where the Bath and Body Works is and then came back, picking up sandwiches at Grand Central Station. Now, we chill.

Next, if we can make it around the secret service, we'll be off to Wicked tonight, which is at the Gershwin Theatre, I think which is on 51st between Broadway and 6th?

Anyway, I'm off for now to find something to drink....10-4.

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